Thursday, July 15, 2010

undead balls

You are lying outside Tarasius General Hospital, a tall concrete building with a curved roof. The windows are splashed with fresh blood. The building has been loosely barricaded.

There is a group of ten other zombies here. You recognise smells like poop and Lothgar amongst them.

There are twenty-nine dead bodies here. You recognise Arcady, tassajaramonk, rannmann and Ferrio amongst them.

Since your last turn:

  • A zombie killed Zhoulotskunosprok. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago)
  • Rick Fury began to rebuild the barricades, using some furniture. (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
  • Bluemidget killed a zombie with a pistol. (48 minutes ago)
  • A zombie brought down the last of the barricades. (47 minutes ago)
  • Bluemidget killed a zombie with a pistol. (47 minutes ago)
  • A zombie dragged Bran Rainey out into the street. (47 minutes ago)
  • Daniel Muir began to rebuild the barricades, using a wheelchair. (28 minutes ago)
  • Daniel Muir said "*Empties his revolver into the face of a zombie, who refuses to die. Then kicks him in the undead balls.* Think this is about it, folks. I'm retreating. See you when we get this place back under control." (27 minutes ago)
  • SK100 shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (25 minutes ago) (Scent lost.) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  • Bucky Tesla killed a zombie with a pistol. (10 minutes ago)
  • Bucky Tesla said "yeeeeeeeehaw!" (9 minutes ago)
  • Bucky Tesla shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (8 minutes ago) (Scent lost.) ...and again. ...and again.
  • You took a Headshot from Bucky Tesla the Zombie Hunter! You will need to spend an extra 5AP to stand up. (8 minutes ago)
  • Bucky Tesla dumped your body out onto the street. (8 minutes ago)

You are dead.

You stand up.

You smash at the barricade. Part of it collapses. The last few sections of it fall away.

You fumble open a door and, leaving it ajar, enter the building.

You are inside Tarasius General Hospital, one of the city's psychiatric hospitals. Thick trails of blood are smeared across the walls and floor. The doors to the street have been left wide open. Also here are Jezzafell Jones (60HP), Edward Yagami (60HP), Gregory Stevens (60HP), Aka rage (60HP), Til Schweiger (60HP), Pesho (60HP), The Goomba (46HP), Ashoreth (60HP), botheefus (60HP), gabriel chicago (60HP), Micheal Summers (60HP), Page Turner (60HP), Teds Dead (60HP), Seth Ehre Myrrh (60HP), Los Baricados (60HP), Firemen Blaze (60HP), RubyRage (60HP), Killer X747 (60HP), Mateo San Pelayo (60HP), butch wormjuice (60HP), Doctor Sigmund Freud (60HP), txeyen (60HP), jenjen88 (60HP), Yami's Fury (42HP), colt commando (56HP), Zedd Brannigan (56HP), Bucky Tesla (60HP), gobuick (60HP), Raving Lunatic (55HP) and Lawrence Fialkow (60HP).

One of the wards has been decorated with a conceptual painting, two stuffed alligators, two stuffed crocodiles, three stuffed monkeys, a stuffed moose head, two stuffed bears, a stuffed fish and a stuffed tiger head.

Somebody has spraypainted 1111 HQ and Hospital KEEP EHB++! onto a wall.

There are four other zombies here. You recognise dak1n1, Hazuzu and Zalaran amongst them.

You graagh threateningly, your call echoing around the room.